Managing Event Registration

How to share events and manage registration list for events

Written by Cholo Puno
Updated over a week ago

How to share upcoming events

Admin and Manager users can share upcoming events directly with their team(s) and promote event participation for upcoming events

To share an upcoming event with your team(s) you can copy and share the event URL from your confirmation email or by copying the share link found in the Event Settings.

How to view the event registration lists

Admins & Manager users have the ability to manage the registration list for your company's upcoming events. Start by navigating to the Company Events page and click on the event you want to view.

You can view Upcoming, Past and Canceled. On Demand Events do not currently have an Event Dashboard.

Select the event and click on the three-dot icon located to the right of the event title.

You can view registrants from the Event Dashboard view.

To see the details of registrations, click on the Bold number

On the Registrants page, you will see the First and Last Name of the Registrant as well as their email address, when they registered and their Attendance status. On this page you can also 1. Add Participant 2. Download CSV 3. Message Participants

How to add registrants in bulk

You can bulk add registrants to your event by clicking the Add Registrants button in the Registrants section of the Event Dashboard. Once you open the Add Registrants menu select Add Registrants in Bulk.

Choose your file - Browse CSV files on your computer to select the one containing your registrant list. Each row in your spreadsheet must contain a valid First Name, Last Name, and company Email Address.

Tip: Download the .CSV template provided to ensure that your data is formatted correctly. The template will give you a file with all of the fields required for registration.

Select which emails are sent to registrants. will only send automated emails to these registrants if you check the boxes here.

After uploading your file, you may get a message that some errors have been found. A message will appear letting you know which line(s) have the error. You may proceed with the bulk registration for the valid registrant information, and the rows with errors will be skipped. Or, you can correct all formatting errors and re-upload the file.

You will get a message when the process is completed, with a summary of the results.

All employees successfully added via bulk registration will appear on your dashboard under the Registrants widget.

Possible errors detected during bulk registration:

  • Required field is missing - Make sure all rows in your spreadsheet contain a valid first name, last name, and email address.

  • Invalid email format - A valid email address consists of an email prefix, @, and an email domain. For example, see if there are any @ missing or misplaced.

  • Email domain validation - The email address did not match the company's approved domain.

  • Duplicate - The employee is already registered for this event.

  • Header rows - Your file must contain a header row with First Name, Last Name, and Email.

Did You Know …
Registration for all event types is available on New registration features include pre-event check-in, indicators to display the number of guests each attendee is permitted to invite, and items participants must bring with them to stay safe during the experience.

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